Learn with Sewn SIGNS

Sewn Signs secrets revealed

Semne Cusute (Sewn Signs) are a visual, universal language used by women in order to encode information, express their status and their vision of the world. Embroidery is communication, in style. Start learning all the sewing secrets.

Sewn Signs


Proud winner of the EUROPA NOSTRA 2022 Award for Education, Training and Skills, Europe’s most prestigious honour in the heritage field, we are here to help.


As keepers of the traditional knowledge, it’s our task to make it relevant for today and available into the future.


You’ll be amazed to see how you can do it yourself, making your own beautiful garments stress-free, meter-free, and making fun of geometry.
We’ll explore more than just Romanian shirts and needlework, because both glam and pragmatism know no borders. Not even the hems.

Featured Courses

Step-by-step embroidery tutorials for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced. Explore a unique library of video lessons, patterns, and tips from expert instructors, and join a vibrant community of enthusiasts.

Free Courses

Free video lessons, patterns, and tips from expert instructors. Start your SewnSigns journey here.

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